Milkman Commandline Interface

This is an experimental interactive command line interface for plugin.

This is an experimental interactive command line interface for plugin. After copying the content of the archive to the root directory of milkman, you can start it by mm on terminal.


Example of a cli session


  • Editing Request-Aspects via nano
  • Executing requests
  • Analyzing responses via less
  • Interactive mode (entered by simply starting mm) or non-interactive mode (by executing commands via mm [command])
  • Tab-Completion on interactive mode


  • Note: all IDs are derived from the original names. All lowercase and special characters are replaced with -. E.g. Your Workspace becomes your-workspace*
Command Alias Description Arguments
change-workspace ws Switches currently activated workspace workspace the id of the workspace to switch to
change-collection col Switches currently activated collection collection the id of the collection to switch to
execute-request req Executes a given request requestish1 the id of the request to execute
-l, --less outputs response into less
-v, --verbose outputs all aspects
edit-request e Edits an aspect of a request requestish1 the id of the request to execute
aspect the aspect to edit
quit q Quits Application

1A requestish is [[Workspace-Id/]Collection-Id/]Request-Id (i.e. the first two are optional)


Last modified July 14, 2022: fixed gifs (77cd125)